WebRTC Leak Test

Your public IP Address:
WebRTC local IP Address:
{{ webRTC.localIP }}
WebRTC public IP Address:
{{ webRTC.publicIP }}
RTCPeerConnection enabled:
{{ webRTC.peerConnectionEnabled }}
RTCDataChannel enabled:
{{ webRTC.dataChannelEnabled }}
SDP Logs:
If any of the IP Addresses displayed above is your public IP Address and you are using a VPN service, then you have a WebRTC leak.

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a Google-led, open-source technology that enables audio, video, and data sharing between local web browsers and remote systems without the need for plugins. It allows for direct peer-to-peer communication, making it useful for applications like video conferencing and file sharing.

What is a WebRTC leak?

Any browser-based request that handles the device's ISP-issued IP address or a VPN provider-issued internal IP address that sends the request to a 3rd-party could be considered a leak.

How does a WebRTC leak occur?

WebRTC implements STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) and TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT), protocols that allows the discovery of the externally assigned IP address. The request to the STUN/TURN server may leak outside the VPN tunnel and expose the assigned IP address(es).

A WebRTC leak can also occur via JavaScript when a website accesses the WebRTC API to retrieve the device's local and public IP addresses without their knowledge. WebRTC requires IP addresses to establish peer-to-peer connections, and if not properly managed, it can expose these addresses even when a user is behind a VPN.

How to fix a WebRTC leak?

Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge: Current versions of Chrome and some Chromium-based browsers for desktop systems do not offer a way to disable WebRTC.

Using a 3rd-party browser extension can offer a solution: uBlock Origin https://ublockorigin.com/

In the uBlock Origin Settings area (gear icon), check the box to disable JavaScript. This will likely break many modern websites.

Brave / Opera: These browsers are based on Chromium, though offer an option to partially mitigate WebRTC leaks.

  1. Select the menu in your browser > Settings.
  2. Search for WebRTC.
  3. Choose Default public Interface only.
  4. Restart the browser.

This offers less protection compared to using a 3rd-party extension, so a 3rd-party extension might be preferred: uBlock Origin https://ublockorigin.com/

In the uBlock Origin Settings area (gear icon), check the box to disable JavaScript. This will likely break many modern websites.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter.
  2. If you see a warning, click Accept the Risk and Continue.
  3. Search for media.peerconnection.enabled.
  4. Double-click it to change the value to false.
  5. Restart Firefox.

Tor Browser: Tor Browser is based on Mozilla Firefox and the media.peerconnection.enabled option controlling WebRTC is disabled by default.